Is coaching right for you?

Coaching assists individuals in setting their goals, making plans, and formulating specific actions to achieve them. It facilitates change by generating awareness around the issue, by helping see new perspectives, and by leveraging individuals’strengths and resources. It provides support and accountability so that people stay motivated and commitment.

Coaching may tackle, among others, issues related to the work environment, personal development and facilitating change. At One Hour Coaching, some of the most frequent areas of intervention include: leadership behaviour, work-life transitions, intercultural communication, and career progression.

Some questions that may help you understand if you need a coach:

  • Do I have a clear vision and plans for my organisation and for myself?
  • Am I dealing well with work pressure and responsibility?
  • Am I comfortable working and contributing within my team?
  • Do I successfully lead my team?
  • Do I easily adjust to global and international settings?
  • Do I effectively communicate across countries and cultures?
  • Do I easily build effective relationships with my current boss, subordinates and colleagues?
  • Am I feeling satisfied with my professional and personal life?
  • Am I confident about taking a new job opportunity and facing a new challenge?
  • Do I have a good work-life balance?

If the answer to these questions is “yes” or “most of the time”, then Congratulations! Right now, you probably do not need a coach.

If your answered “no” or “sometimes” to one or more of these questions and you feel that turning them into a yes really matters to you, then you should consider contacting us at Me2WE Global.

Your coach will help you shed some light on the core issues, find the right solutions and set you on the path to a more successful, fulfilled and empowered global or international experience.

Are you ready to experience coaching?
Contact us at